We are changing our website address from .com to .gov!
Old Website: mccrackenpva.com
New Website: mccrackenpva.gov
The reason for this change is the .com domain names have always been meant for commercial purposes, whereas, government organizations, such as the McCracken County PVA office, should utilize .gov. Additionally, having a .gov domain provides assurance that the website is indeed an official government website as it has been verified by the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
Don’t worry. The change should be seamless. There’s not anything for you to do! You can still use the mccrackenpva.com address that you’ve used for many years. Over time we ask that you begin using mccrackenpva.gov instead. The website will seamlessly transition to mccrackenpva.gov without you doing anything different. We will work with Bing, Google and the others to ensure our new website address is added to their search results.
As you know our website has been around for many years. It provides valuable information explaining the function of this government office and the various laws and procedures surrounding property valuation. The website also includes commonly needed forms that can be completed entirely online saving property owners a visit to the PVA office.
Our Qpublic website is not affected. It can be accessed and used in exactly the same way. Most people will visit mccrackenpva.gov and use the “Tax Roll” link same as before.
Bill Dunn
McCracken County PVA