Frequently Asked Questions

The questions on this FAQ page are split into the type of property that the question pertains to.


How do I find out who owns a certain property?
There are several ways to accomplish this. You can call ask, stop by the office and ask, use one of our two public terminals or purchase a subscription to our Qpublic website.

How much is the homestead exemption?
The values are explained here.

How do I pay my real estate tax bill?
The PVA office does not collect tax payments. The City of Paducah Finance department collects tax payments for city tax bills and the Sheriff department collects the county tax bill.

How do I learn how much a property sold for?
There are several ways to accomplish this. You can call ask, stop by the office and ask, use one of our two public terminals or purchase a subscription to our Qpublic website.

How do I find the property boundaries for a property?
The best way to do this is to hire a surveyor. The deed to the property will have a description of the property boundaries or the lot size. We typically maintain approximate property boundaries in our GIS.

Am I eligible for the homestead exemption?
Please check our homestead exemption page for details.

How do I have my tax bill mailed to a different address?
We must have this request in writing. Either mail us a letter requesting the address be changed or use this form.

How do I obtain a map of my property?
Property owners can print out a map of their property at our office for free. You can visit our office or call/email us for the map too.

How do I appeal my assessment?
A detailed explanation of this process can be found here.

How do I fix incorrect information about my property?
Report the incorrect information to our office. A member of our field staff will visit your property to verify the correct information.

How do I add, change or delete a name on my property or tax bill?
If you wish to add, change or remove a name on your property record and/or tax bill, you must record an official document such as a deed or will with the appropriate office or submit a death certificate to the PVA. Contact us to determine the best method for your particular situation.

How was the assessed value on my property determined?
The assessed value is often determined by the price you paid for the property but the recent sales prices of homes in your neighborhood affect your assessment as well.

Why did my assessment go up?
We periodically re-examine values in neighborhoods to determine if recent values in neighborhoods have increased, decreased or made no change. If recent sales of homes in your neighborhood have increased those increases could increase your assessment.

How many acres do I need to qualify for the agriculture exemption?
Parcels need to be at least 10 acres in size. Any land containing non-ag improvements such as a home are not eligible for the exemption. We typically measure the land under homes, yards, driveways, etc. to determine how much land is or is not eligible for the exemption. After exact measurements are completed the parcel must have at least 10 acres of agricultural related land to qualify.

I bought a home this year but when I received the tax bill it was in the previous owner’s name. Why?
Tax bills are mailed to whoever owns the property on January 1st. The bills mailed in October will include the owner of record from January 1st. Your name will be placed on the bill as a “care of” or “C/O” for the postal service to deliver.

I moved in my house in February, but I can‘t get the homestead until next year? Why?
Real Estate taxes are determined AS OF JANUARY 1st. You will not be eligible for the Homestead Exemption until you are in the property, as of January 1st.

I bought my house in April for less than the tax bill says. Why do I have to pay the higher amount?
Real Estate taxes are determined on January 1st. The tax bill is determined by what your property was assessed on January 1st. Your real estate taxes may be adjusted for the purchase price the following tax year. However, you are responsible for paying the entire amount of the tax bill.

Can I get the homestead exemption for commercial property?
You may get a homestead exemption for commercial property only if you own AND occupy the building (e.g. you live on the second floor of the commercial building).


I received my car’s tax bill. It says “SEE PVA”. Why?
This message appears on tax bills when important details are missing from the vehicle record when the tax bill was created. Many times this is a simple tax district addition to your vehicle’s database record. Contact us to ensure this is corrected before you visit the county clerk’s office to pay your tax bill.

I do not agree with my vehicle’s value. Can I get it lowered?
We may be able to lower the value of your vehicle if you have excessive mileage or damage. We can typically use an oil change receipt from a licensed mechanic or a parts repair estimate. We cannot include labor costs in lowering your vehicle’s assessment. Contact us for further details.

I have either sold a vehicle or moved out of state. What should I do now?
To remove your vehicle from the tax roll, you can supply the PVA with either: 1) A copy of the out of state title or registration or 2) a letter from your insurance company stating when the insurance was cancelled. The VIN is needed on any documents you provide us.

I junked my car and gave my title to the junkyard. Why am I still getting a tax bill?
If you junked a vehicle you may still receive a motor vehicle tax bill because the junkyard did not junk the title. Please make a copy of the front and back of the title and fax it in our office with the Motor Vehicle Affidavit.


Where did the assessed value on my tangible returns come from?
Your tangible property assessed value is based on the values you included in the tangible return you filed with our office.

When are tangible property returns due?
Tangible property returns are due by May 15th.
